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Author Guidelines
All manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format to the MJDES journal Editor by email: No hard copy submission of manuscripts is required for this journal. Authors are required to submit a separate title page (containing the paper title, names, addresses, and affiliations of all authors), the main manuscript (including the abstract, text, and references), and other supplementary files in a single email to the Editor. No information identifying the author(s) or their affiliations should be contained in the main manuscript being submitted.
Manuscripts accepted for review after initial assessments will be sent for anonymous editorial evaluation. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that all permissions needed for the use of reprinted materials or quotes are duly obtained.
Submission of a manuscript to this journal represents in itself a commitment of the author(s) to publish in the journal. Consequently, simultaneous submission of manuscripts submitted to this journal elsewhere is not allowed. This journal is equally against the publication of previously published papers or works that are substantially similar in content or form to previous publications.
Before submitting a paper to this journal, it is recommended that authors read carefully about the journal, its scope, and aims as well as the guidelines for authors. Authors who will require further clarification may contact the Editor-in-Chief by email:
There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal.