Call For Papers


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The Multidisciplinary Journal of Distance Education Studies (MJDES) invites you to submit high-quality research papers for its maiden edition.

Aim and Scope

The Multidisciplinary Journal of Distance Education Studies (MJDES) is a bi-annual international publication housed in the Department of Distance Education, School of Continuing and Distance Education, College of Education, University of Ghana, Legon.  MJDES is an online peer-reviewed publication that draws on scholarly works from multiple disciplines to promote and encourage studies on distance education. While diverse in its methodological approaches, the journal focuses on original scholarly works in educational research and practice across the globe.

MJDES publishes materials on all aspects of distance education and provides the ideal platform for discussing more sophisticated distance learning and research for authors and readers worldwide. The priorities are originality and excellence. In addition, the journal welcomes scientific articles on emerging distance education issues that cover (but are not limited to):

Electronic learning

Flexible learning

Open learning

Open distance e-learning

AI and Education

We welcome original research articles so far as their research questions are significant, novelle, and relevant to general readers, and their designs are appropriate and robust. All publications are in the English language.

Kindly visit the journal website at for more information about the journal and paper submissions.

You can also reach the Editor-in-Chief via email for further inquiries at